
发布时间:2010-11-30   浏览量:0

    “听”“读” “写”是英语四级考查的重点,其中“写”是四级考试的第一部分。众所周知,好的开始是成功的一半,作文写得好坏直接影响着考生在整个四级考试过程中的情绪;考生要想在四级考试中取得一个好成绩,就要把作文写好,因此写作能力是学生不可忽视的一种必备能力。四级作文的体裁多样,包括叙述文、说明文、议论文和应用文。不同体裁的作文有不同的写法,其中包括语言的运用、文章的结构和格式等。下面我们来讲一下不同体裁文章的写法。
叙述文主要是写人物的经历、事件的发生等。叙述可分事实叙述,如新闻报道、自传等和想象叙述,如故事、寓言等。四级考试中这种体裁的作文很少,近几年来只在2003年6月的四级试卷中考过 (An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident)。叙述文要求准确、生动、具体、形象,使读者有如见其人、如闻其声、如观其景的感觉。写的时候可以按时间顺序写,可以按空间顺序写,还可以从某个侧面或某一点来写。最重要的一点就是回答5个W和1个H的问题,即 where, when, why, how, who, and what。一般来说,此类文章有三种框架。第一种开始是a general observation about a person or thing,然后是 the introduction to the incident, 最后是 conclusion; 第二种开始是the present incident,然后是 a general description of a person or thing, 最后是 conclusion; 第三种开始是the definition of a person or thing, 然后是 the concrete description, 最后是conclusion。可以根据不同的文章选择不同的结构。
说明文主要是解释事物、说明原理。说明文要求突出事物的特征,语言既要简明扼要,又要准确客观。近几年四级考试中说明文占相当大的比重。如:How to Succeed in a Job Interview (2000年12月,CET-4);How I Finance My College Education (2000年1月,CET-4);Student Use of Computers (2002年6月,CET-4)。四级考试中的说明文主要有两种形式:一种采用定义说明、分类说明、举例说明、比较说明等说明方法,对事物进行阐述。要求定义准确,举例得当,陈述客观。
It is a chart / a diagram / a table about...
This diagram / chart / graph indicates / shows / suggests that...
As we can see from the figure, there...
As is shown in the graph...
According to the table, we can see that...
A and B are totally / completely different in every respect / way.
The difference between A and B is / lies in / exists in...
According to... we can conclude / draw the conclusion that...
The number of... rose from... to...
Compared with the number of 200, it increased by...
And in 2004, it reached almost...
1. 比较型议论文
此类议论文是对事物的性质、特点等进行比较论证,对事物从正反两方面进行比较分析,然后归纳自己的观点。要注意突出事物的优缺点。四级考试中属于此类议论文的有Is Failure a Bad Thing (1992年1月,CET-4); Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports (1993年1月,CET-4); The Two-Day Weekend (1996年1月,CET-4)。在写的过程中首先要明确自己的观点是赞成还是反对,这样就可以有所侧重:如果赞成就应详写优点,找出令人信服的理由。反之应侧重缺点。
Obviously, it has drawbacks / disadvantages / negative effects and merits / advantages / positive effects.
There is no doubt that ... which has brought society advantages and disadvantages / merits and drawbacks.
But every coin has two sides.
There are two sides to everything / every question.
In spite of /Despite the adverse effects, it has its beneficial effects.
Generally speaking, the disadvantages can be listed as follows ...
Based on the analysis above, I believe that ...
In conclusion, although ... has its drawbacks, I would rather consider that it has done the society far more good than harm.
All in all / To sum up, I would say that ...
2. 辩论型议论文
此类文章先列出双方对某一事物不同的看法,并运用事实进行论证,然后阐明自己的观点并得出结论。这类文章要求考生思路敏捷,条理清楚,理由充分。四级考试中属于此类型的作文有Can Money Buy Happiness? (1995年1月,CET-4); Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck? (1998年6月,CET-4); Reading Selectively or Extensively (1999年6月,CET-4); Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? (2000年6月,CET-4)。此类文章是四级常考的内容,写的时候要着重介绍正反的意见或观点,然后列举事实加以论证,最后得出结论。
When asked about whether ... different people offer different views about it.
Different people have different opinions about ... Some people take it for granted that ... But I have a different point of view.
People’s opinions / views about / on ... vary from person to person.Some people say ...
Some people take the position that ...; some people come to believe that ... but I think / suppose that ...
As far as I’m concerned ...
From my point of view, it is reasonable to ...
I am in favor of the first idea. The following are the reasons for my personal opinion.
All things considered, I remain firmly in favor of ...
On the whole, I agree with the statement that ...
According to the above analysis, we can conclude that ...
3. 阐述说明型议论文
这类作文一开始就提出问题或阐明观点,接着摆出事实和理由加以论述。如:Global Shortage of Fresh Water (1996年6月,CET-4); Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus (1997年6月,CET-4); Harm of Fake Commodities (1998年1月,CET-4)。写的时候要摆出观点,列举事实加以证明。
As everyone knows, no one can deny that...
It is often said that / Some people say that...
According to a (n) survey / investigation / analysis, there is a (n) growing / increasing / decreasing number of ...
It is generally / widely accepted / held / believed that...
There are many examples to show that...
No easy solution is at hand for the problem of... but...
The best way to solve the problem is...
There are many solutions to the problem. Among them, the most effective one would be...
Many things can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following solutions may be most effective.
随着新时期社会对人才培养的需要,学生对英语实际运用的能力应不断提高,近几年来四级应用文所占的比重不断增加,其中以信件形式考查的最多。如:A Letter to a Schoolmate (2001年6月,CET-4); A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus (2002年1月,CET-4); A Letter in Reply to a Friend (2003年12月,CET-4)。写的时候要注意格式,明确应用目的,注重传递信息。
信头用语:Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern, Dear Mr... etc.
信尾用语:Sincerely yours, Truly yours, Yours faithfully, etc.
Thank you very much for your letter of September 10, 2003.
Thank you for your letter dated September 1, 2004.
Your letter which arrived today gave me great comfort.
It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
I hope to hear from you soon.
I’ m looking forward to your reply.
Give my regards to your parents.
I hope that things are going well with you.
I wish every success for your career in the future.